David jaloza

Senior Producer / Team Builder

Gundam Battle Operation 2
Bless Unleashed
School of Dragons

“If you do not know to which port you are sailing, no wind is favorable.”

About me

Game Developer with over 15 years experience in both Game Development and Publishing.






  • One second every day (SED)

    In 2012 I saw a TED talk by Cesar Kuriyama. The philosophy is to record one second of every day, and splice them into a short video just a couple minutes long. Watching this video will remind you of every day of the past year. The objective of the project isn’t to capture that ‘perfect’ moment, but to record a moment from the day, that can trigger memories of the day itself. I found the idea very intriguing, so I decided to give it a try. I’ve been doing it for almost 3 years now (and yes i’ve missed days, but i don’t fret over it.) Since beginning  this project i’ve proposed to my wife, gotten married, and became a father to a beautiful baby girl. I could think of no better way to showcase who I am, than give you a sneak peek, even if one second at a time, of my life. Please enjoy, warts and all!


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